Causes of Juristic Differences among the Four Schools of Thought pertaining to Rules of Deduction and its Contemporary Impact with Reference to Quranic Text and Context
Juristic disagreement, four school of thought, causes, contemporary era, Quranic context.Abstract
Islam is a Religion of peace and it condemns extremism and violence. Peace carries a central position in the Islamic traditions. That way main focus of Islam is to establish a society where all can get prosperous life. Today, the humanity especially Muslim all over the World is suffering troubles, hardships and discord. Some critics argue that Islam struggles to adapt to the rapidly changing world and may hinder progress.
The existence of four schools of thought within Islamic jurisprudence has historically served several purposes. These include fostering the development of Islamic legal principles, demonstrating Islam's adaptability to changing circumstances, and ultimately contributing to the well-being of Muslim societies. Over time, these differences of opinion have also emerged as a significant factor in the fragmentation of the Muslim Ummah. Now this difference of opinion are creating misconception and hurdle in the way of Dawa’h movement. Islamic law (Shariah) is considered by many to possess an enduring capacity to guide society. Proponents argue that its principles can be applied and reinterpreted to address even the evolving circumstances of the modern world, encompassing customs and social realities.
The Muslim world exhibits a diversity of interpretations and practices within Islam. While united by faith, Muslim communities navigate various cultural and political influences, leading to a range of perspectives. In this situation the true/original teaching of Islam can create peace and love by avoiding discord. This paper will focus on the causes and importance of difference of opinion among the four schools of thought and how it impacts in contemporary era. The basic objectives of this paper are to bring awareness and remembrance of our duty regarding the importance of the brotherhood and the solidarity among the Muslim Ummah.